How Stress Can Affect the Skin

How Stress Can Affect the Skin

Did you know that stress can have a direct impact on the skin? Studies have shown that there is a bidirectional pathway between the brain and skin, meaning that the skin can affect the brain as much as the reverse.  Skin conditions like psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema are exacerbated by increased levels of stress. How does this happen exactly, you ask? Well strap on your scientific caps because this explanation may include some big words.

Stress triggers a trio of glands called the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. (I know it sounds complicated, right?) In simple terms, these glands control how pro inflammatory factors direct immune cells through the bloodstream to the skin, causing the various conditions that we see on our skin. That means that the mad man in traffic that cut you off, while trying not to miss his exit, has helped cause your recent flare up or breakout. Well, maybe that's exaggerating a little, but technically it's true.

So what can we learn from this information? When it comes to maintaining clear skin, we must maintain control of our emotions and behaviors as well as our skincare routine. I know it's easier said than done, but we must find a way to remain calm be it yoga, meditation, exercising or some other way to wind down. So, with that being said, I challenge you to be more conscious of the external stressors that exist in your life and remove what's not beneficial for you. Once you do this, I have the sneaky suspicion that you will experience less flare ups and breakouts with your skin.

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